You’re Hugging Me Too Hard

16 Dec

Sandy Hook. I have cried and cried this weekend for the children of Sandy Hook. I’ve cried for the teachers and the parents and the survivors and the community of Newtown.

It is enough to make you feel helpless.

This weekend, in between Girl Scouts and soccer games and doctoring colds I have loved my children. Yes, I always love my kids but this weekend I didn’t take any moment with my children for granted. I hugged them a little more often and a little tighter.

That is what Sandy Hook has given me; a reminder that my children are a gift.

As I hugged my five-year-old Friday afternoon, she exclaimed, “Mama! You’re hugging me too tight!” in between squeals of laughter.

No, I’m not, baby girl. No I’m not.


UPDATE: A commenter left the following message that I wanted to share for any who might be interested. Thanks again, for sharing this!

Thank you for your comments. My kids said the same thing…too hard daddy!

I believe that the pen is mightier than the sword. Several bloggers are encouraging others to send cards and letters to the school. Here is the address:

The school’s address is: Sandy Hook Elementary School 12 Dickenson Drive Newtown, CT   06482

God Bless.

4 Responses to “You’re Hugging Me Too Hard”

  1. HLW December 16, 2012 at 11:22 pm #

    I too have heard the “Mommmmmmmmm, stopppppppp” squeal from my Little Man this weekend. I think Sandy Hook was a huge wake up call, especially for parents, and hopefully for American society as a whole. A hug from one mom to another.

    • Kelly December 16, 2012 at 11:24 pm #

      Thanks. I think we all need all the hugs we can get right now.

  2. robakers December 16, 2012 at 11:25 pm #

    Thank you for your comments. My kids said the same thing…too hard daddy!

    I believe that the pen is mightier than the sword. Several bloggers are encouraging others to send cards and letters to the school. Here is the address:

    The school’s address is:
    Sandy Hook Elementary School
    12 Dickenson Drive
    Newtown, CT 06482

    God Bless.

    • Kelly December 16, 2012 at 11:33 pm #

      Thank you and I will share this information. This is the first of heard of it since I’ve pretty much stayed off of the internet this weekend. It just got to be to much information!

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